Friday, September 24, 2021

Sarah Pearl McCain née Tweedy

 Sarah Pearl McCain née Tweedy... born 1883 and passed in 1962. My grandmother, she gave me insight into another world. As I like to put it, she read Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories as they came out. Being with a person that grew up in the 1800s was interesting for me. The language was different, the intonation different, the concepts different. Of course, I just liked it, only many years later did I realise what a special time that was in my life and what a valuable gift she gave me.  

Her house (obviously) had no TV and there was a radio, but it was rarely turned on. She had the Second Sight, as do many in her Tweedy family, both past and present. I learned much from her.

Barry R McCain 

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