Sliabh Na Caillí Meath |
Today is the Autumnal Equinox. The begins the Fall season in the Northern Hemisphere. The days grow shorter and there is more night than day. In Gaelic it is called Cónacht Fómhair and it is the last quarter day of the year. The shortening evenings will bring us cooler temperatures and we await the darker, colder days of Winter. It is a time for reflection and remembrance of our ancestors. The green leaves turn brown, bronze, yellow, red and russet, and remind us of the great cycle. It is an enjoyable time of the year.
On Sliabh Na Caillí, in County Meath, the rising sun of today illuminates the central chamber of this very ancient Sí (mound). This ancient burial place is indeed very old, ever older than Brú na Bóinne (Newgrange).
Sliabh Na Caillí is also the Sí of An Cailleach Bhéara. Sliabh Na Caillí means the 'mountain of the Cailleach.' Cailleach is translated as 'the Hag,' but really means the 'Veiled woman.' The woman is Béara, one of the Sí and is a mysterious Bean Sí (Faerie woman, or literally 'woman of the mound'). I had an interesting encounter with her one day on her mountain, the details of which I put in the last chapter of my book 'Finding the McCains.' The photo at the top is my son Donovan on top of Sliabh na Caillí.
Barry R McCain on Sliabh na Caillí |
The Autumnal Equinox is a splendid day, a day to light a fire, pour a libation or three, and reflect upon the season change and to remember one's ancestors. Here in the wooded hills of north Mississippi the weather is perfect, cool with bright sunshine. There will be a fire in the firepit tonight for sure. I encourage everyone to mark and enjoy this special day. Turn off your TVs, go outside and enjoy the Autumnal Equinox.
© Barry R McCain